18.9. SANU

On Tuesday, September 18th, the first professional guidance was held through a part of the exhibition of the 57th October Salon, which was set up at the SANU.

16.9. Guided tour at the Museum of the City of Belgrade

On Sunday, September 16th, a first thematic guide was held at the Museum of the City of Belgrade. Snežana Ristić and Radonja Leposavić, editors of the Radio Culture Editorial Board of Radio Beograd 1 together with the audience walked through the exhibition and talked about the topic of Utopia and Dystopia – spatial relations.

Performance by Branko Milisković

On the first day of the 57th October Salon in the Museum of the City of Belgrade (Resavska 40b) a  performance by the artist Branko Milisković named Appointed was held.


On September 15, the 57th October Salon of Miracle Cacophony was officially opened at the City Museum of Belgrade (Resavska 40 b). The audience were addressed by Ivona Jevtić, Culture Secretary of the City of Belgrade, Gordana Goncić, ed. Director of the Cultural Center of Belgrade, Gunar B. Kvaran, artistic director and curator of this year’s Salon and Maria Caran, the actress, who declared the Salon open. Shortly before the opening of the exhibition, Ana Brnabić, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, visited the exhibition, and met with the present domestic and foreign artists and addressed to representatives of the media.